Permanent Changes Are Needed in Politics, Economics and Culture - Otherwise, We Remain Doomed
In Charts: Oil A Collection of Charts, Graphs and Maps Exploring the Global Oil Industry The Globalist April 28, 2020 Just how big is the oil industry? Much bigger and more invasive in our lives than I thought. It is tied to almost every product and service we consider modern necessities and desirables. See the above link for eleven graphics providing facts on the global oil industry. The last chart from The Globalist (see above, top) shows a selection of consumer products that can be produced from one barrel of oil. Along with our technological efforts at fixing, ameliorating, and redirecting oil dependency we need a radical reset of our values and beliefs, especially those about our relationships with each other, and with Earth. Regrettably, this involves efforts in politics and economics, areas where the vast majority of humankind have little to no control. I say regrettably because of the deep dysfunctional and economic cronyi...