Recent US Immigration Policy Changes - An Owl & Ibis Presentation by Gregory Smith

Kudos to Gregory Smith on his outstanding O&I presentation on April 24, 2021 on recent US immigration policy changes from Trump to Biden and their implications!

A PDF copy of Greg's slideshow, "Origins & Impacts of Trump Administration Immigration Policy Changes, Initial Biden Administration Responses and the Rocky Road Ahead on the Southern Border and Beyond" may be viewed here. A writeup of Greg's accompanying narrative is here.

In his most informative talk Greg covered recent changes in immigration law, policy, and procedures and their impact on admissions, interpretations of the four protected grounds of asylum and refugee adjudications, detention and removal, the migration crisis at the US-Mexico border, and factors affecting migration in the Western hemisphere and beyond and what might be done about them.

The discussion that followed, also moderated by Greg, was excellent.

Thank you, Greg! Well done!

}:> & ~:)
