Politics and Knowledge in the Nihilistic Days of 1920 and 2020 - An O&I Presentation by Richard Moore
Kudos and many thanks to Richard Moore for his presentation, "Politics and Knowledge in the Nihilistic Days of 1920 and 2020!" A link to the PDF of Richard's Saturday, March 27, 2021 slideshow can be downloaded here . Here is Richard's presentation hypothesis: Since before and after the written word, Sapiens have repeatedly found themselves in Threatening Times and have reached back to their Elders for guidance. The options chosen by the Elders have been Finite for each of their pending Disasters and may be a helpful guide for each Future Generation. Following his introductory slideshow, Richard aired a portion of the video of UC Berkeley political theory professor Wendy Brown's lecture, Politics and Knowledge in Nihilistic Times: Thinking with Max Weber - "Knowledge." This lecture may be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXm_0DxoS_k&t=3858s Key within Brown's lecture was her view of the role of education and the use of kn...