'Exploring America's Attic' by Pam Dewey
Web users view the web in many different ways. I view it as "America’s Attic." This introductory episode to the Exploring America’s Attic series explains this metaphor. And it clarifies how search engine tools such as Google allow anyone to quickly and efficiently search America’s Attic for the ingredients to create small miracles for friends and family. Click here for Part 1, Small Miracles. In this video I share the basic details of a few Google-fied miracles I have performed for my own family. Although they are interesting in themselves, I share them in particular to perhaps inspire some viewers to consider using these miraculous tools to explore America’s Attic themselves, and bring smiles to their own friends and family. No, these aren’t big, flashy “supernatural” miracles, but small intimate miracles nonetheless. Proven to be that by the smiles and gentle joy they brought to people I care about. Miracles that couldn’t have been done in 199...